
One time a month we offer a mini-workshop for with a unique focus each time, we’ll learn and grow together. We usually decide on the topic a month before and post it!

We often engage in role plays, and you are free and safe to participate as little or as much as you'd like. You may be provided handouts to support new concepts and learning, and we recommend you bring a notepad and pen. You are welcome just as you are, and if you'd like to learn a little prior to joining an event, check out these NVC tools.

We also offer more in-depth multi-week or daylong courses!

Currently, most of our meetings are online. You may find more information on our Facebook and Meetup pages.

WEDNESDAY, FEbruary 21, 2023


Online, Facilitated by: Kathleen McKee

How Pure Observation Opens Connection - "All our observations, influenced by personal, family, cultural, and systemic conditioning, are the result of filtering things out and including only what the brain registers as relevant." - Staphanie Bachman Mattei & Kristin Collier

Join Kathleen for a practice session looking at a basic premise of NVC - making observatins without evaluation while being connected with what is in your heart. We will bring in examples from our lives, and discuss how we can better connect with others by taking a step back from our judgments and assumptions that may come with unconcious evaluations when we share what we want or don't want.

See event info here.